How it works

First, you need to get a group together. A group can consist of between four and eight people who buy into the approach described in the Get the Picture Programme guide (download this). Three is probably too few, and nine is probably too many, but both can be made to work.

Next, the group needs to nominate an enabler. This is the person who registers the group, who chairs the discussions, and who attends to organizational issues like setting meeting dates. To find out more about the enabler’s role, read the advice note How to be an Enabler (download this).

Once the enabler has registered the group, you should familiarise yourselves with the participant role described in the advice note How to be a Participant (download this). Participation in the programme works best if everyone is familiar and comfortable with the mutually supportive approach it describes.

Register your group on this site, and you will get a full study pack for your chosen segment, including all the Advice Notes and  Study Notes you need for the segment that your group is registered for (download a Study Notes example). Distributing these materials is as easy as emailing the link to everyone in your group.

You will need to make sure that everyone has access to the box set of The Story of Film: An Odyssey. We recommend that all participants have their own box set, but groups have functioned reasonably well by sharing access to one or more box sets (they’re readily available from online DVD suppliers in the UK). If you’re sharing, access to the box set will need careful management.

Have an organizing meeting to set your discussion dates and make sure everyone has access to the resources they need, and you’re all set!